Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Let's Talk Social Media Etiquette

In a world of Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon, LinkedIn, Google+ and YouTube it is important to have proper social media etiquette. You would think it would be common sense, however, common sense may not be as common when it comes to social media. Your manners shouldn't stop with social media.

Here are some guidelines when using social media:

DON'T spam anyone: No one likes spam, agreed?

DON'T keep everything private: Online privacy is important. However, if you are keeping every social interaction private you might as well stick to texting and emailing others. Social media is not an exclusive club.

DO thank someone when you're ReTweet-ed: Remember the magic words "thank you."

DON'T say anything mean to anyone: Reword it so it can be constructive criticism.

DO think before you speak: Yes, social media does allow you to publish your thoughts instantly. However, that does not mean that everything that "pops into your head should be published for the world to see. Think about it before you post something.

DO keep your blog posts short: If your followers what to read a novel they would go buy one.

DO build relationships: It is called "social" networking for a reason.

DON'T use social media to vent: It's not a good look.

DON'T ask to be ReTweeted: Think about the content that you are tweeting, maybe that's the reason you are not being ReTweeted.

DO give back: Social media is a two-way street.

DO try to make your tweets/posts comprehensive: No one want to struggle to understand what you are posting.

DON'T unfollow someone just because they don't follow you back: This is not elementary school. Either step up your tweeting game and post things that will make you "follow worthy," or stop following others to build up your follower count.

Did we leave out any other social media etiquette?

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