Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Young Guns Contest

Hot off the Twitter feed, Dwell is having a design competition for students. What student would not want to be recognized in a world-renowned magazine such as Dwell.

Reprising last year's solicitation of student-made graphic, industrial, font, interactive, and architectural design work, Dwell is proud to invite students to submit their work for a chance to be featured in an upcoming issue of the magazine. (Accompanied by an online feature, naturally.)
If you were enrolled in some kind of schooling when you engineered your groundbreaking design, and it can be visually represented in a photograph or rendering, then we want to share your work with our community. Once we gather up some favorites, the editors will pick a selection for a page in the May 2012 issue. The community-led voting session will determine which twenty submissions will be featured in an online roundup. Cue accolades, congratulations, toasting, laurels, and so on.
All it takes is one static image to represent your hard-won academic achievements. When you email it to us, don't forget to include a short statement about your project's theme, what materials you used, when you created it, and what school you attend. And it goes without saying that we only want to see your own work. Source Dwell Magazine

Read more: http://www.dwell.com/articles/the-youngest-guns.html#ixzz1h71dLBNg

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