Our goal at nextGEN to expose you as students to the realities of the interior design industry. We wanted to take the time to stress the fact that you should keep up your computer skills and any other design related skills. There is no denying it, technology and social media are taking over the world! Not really, but in reality technology is become more and more advanced. Which brings us to the first point we made, "keep your computer skills up!" Many design firms are using programs such as Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign; just to name a few. Some firms are also making the transition from AutoCAD to Revit. What does that mean for you? Our answer, if you don't know it learn it!! In the land of the worldwide web, there are unlimited resources to help yourself strengthen your computer skills. We have previously posted about a valuable resource here. Maybe leaning online isn't your thing. Local community colleges offer classes for the various programs you are interested in learning.
However, even though technology is upping the ante you still need to keep up your sketching skills. In a world of smartphones, tablets, and computers, industry professionals still use hand sketching as a tool to convey their thoughts and ideas. Get yourself a sketchbook. Sketch the various thoughts that come across your mind. There is nothing more impressive that stacks of filled sketchbooks with your thoughts in them. Sketching is not only a creative outlet, you are able to strengthen your skills the more you do it. Sketch something today! One of the most common block for people when it comes to sketching is that is doesn't look right. Most people over think the idea of sketching. The goal is not to get a perfect piece of artwork. Sketching is a form of art, there are no mistakes in art!
Bottom line, keep your skills up. If you want to be competitive in today's job market you have to be the best of the best. Happy learning!