Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Go For the Gold: Having a Successful Internship

After hours and hours of research you landed an internship in the interior design industry! Congrats! Now it is time for a reality check. You need to make the most out of your internship. In a way, an internship could be somewhat like "test driving" your future career. Many individuals go into an internship with the hopes it will turn into a full time position. Now that you have your internship, what do you do next?
First things first be professional! You are entering into the real world of the interior design industry, so it is important you act the part. This begins with your attire. You can take a few tips on what to wear from a previous post. Make sure you find out what the companies dress policy is because that will also help you when it comes to attire. You only have one chance to make a first impression, make it a good one!
Decide what you want to get out of your internship. It is helpful to make a list of the goals you have. Ask you supervisor to sit down to discuss your objectives. Let them know what you would like to get out of your internship. Do not be afraid to ask questions either. No one learned anything by passively siting down. Ask questions about the company's design philosophy or their design development process. Dive in to the company culture head first! Find out everything you possibly can. The last thing you would want to do is waste their time and yours.

At the end of your internship if you are not offered a position, that's okay. You can always ask for a letter of recommendation or ask if they know anyone who is hiring. If you have a portfolio or resume, ask your supervisor if they could critic it for you. It doesn't hurt to get a second set of eyes to look at your work. Who knows, you could get some fresh ideas to revamp the layout of your work.

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